Our Process

Our Process

Focus on the patient, follow the science

Scientific research drives innovation at Novartis. Our researchers work to push the boundaries of science, broaden our understanding of diseases and develop novel products with significant benefits for patients. We are focusing on faulty molecular pathways and therapeutic areas where we see the greatest unmet medical need and believe the scientific tools to address these needs are within reach.

Research and development teams work together to bring new and better medicines to patients in the shortest possible time. This effort involves a discovery phase, during which a potential new medicine is identified. A proof of concept is established through small clinical studies in patients, after which the medicine is studied in larger numbers of patients in a clinical development phase.

By focusing on the patient and following the science, Novartis has discovered innovative treatments for disorders ranging from cancer to degenerative disease. Thanks to this approach, Novartis has one of the strongest and most productive pipelines in the industry. More than 200 research and development projects are underway.

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Source URL: https://www.novartis.com/ca-en/healthcare-professionals/our-process

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.novartis.com/ca-en/healthcare-professionals/our-process
  2. https://www.novartis.com/research-development