Novartis' LinkedIn Code of Conduct

Novartis' LinkedIn Code of Conduct

We ask that you follow the rules within the LinkedIn community to ensure the best experience for visitors to our company site. As we work in a highly regulated industry, we cannot deal with sensitive topics such as product discussions, whether ours or other companies, on this page. Also, for legal reasons, we cannot share information about treatment options. Such discussions are best conducted privately with your doctor.

Due to regulatory and other requirements, we must ensure that discussions on our LinkedIn page do not contain unauthorized information and are constructive. We may delete or hide comments that contain any of the following or are not constructive from our Company Page:

  • Product/product-specific contributions
  • Posts containing vulgar, offensive, discriminatory or degrading content (including images, videos or links)
  • Posts disparage, threaten or condone violence or illegal behavior
  • Posts that are not related to the topic
  • contributions that contain medical advice,
  • Posts that contain any personal information (e.g., individuals' names, email addresses, or phone numbers)
  • Contributions that infringe copyright or intellectual property
  • Contributions of a commercial nature (e.g. selling products and services, recruiting fans and followers)
  • Posts that are unduly disruptive, repetitive or spam to the community
  • Contributions containing confidential, sensitive or non-public information
  • contributions that contradict the principles of good manners and corporate values,
  • posts that violate the LinkedIn User Agreement.
Využívání chytrého telefonu

Reporting of adverse reactions

If you believe that our product has caused you any side effect or reaction, you should immediately consult your doctor, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. You can also report them to us directly, contact details are listed here.

We recommend that you distribute as little personal information as possible in your LinkedIn profile, especially avoiding any specific information that relates to your health. However, if you choose to post with details of any adverse reactions, Novartis will need to contact you for more information. Posts of this kind may need to be hidden from our LinkedIn page due to legal obligations regarding drug safety reporting.

The personal data provided by you may be processed by Novartis s.r.o., with its registered office at Na Pankráci 1724/129, Prague 4, in particular for purposes related to monitoring the safety of Novartis products (medicinal products and medical devices). Detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data and the rights of data subjects is available on the website of Novartis s.r.o. in the Principles of Personal Data Processing for the Purposes of Patient Safety, Medical Information and Quality.

Storage of private information

Content shared on the LinkedIn profile of Novartis Czech Republic is accessible to the public. Novartis may process, store and use information that you choose to share through this Channel, for example to improve its products and services, report side effects or provide support based on your request. To process the request, we may ask for additional information that will only be used for the purpose for which it was originally provided.

In the event of an adverse reaction or problem with a product that you report to us, we will need to store and use the identifying information you provide to us in accordance with applicable laws. This information must be submitted to the Novartis Patient Safety Department and/or regulatory authority. In this case, we are also required to store your personal data in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements and obligations.

If you share personal information about other people, you represent that you have the authority to do so lawfully and to authorize us to use it.

Please note that we may use third party service providers to help us process your comments, which means that they too would have access to any personal data you share with us. Such service providers are contractually obliged to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal data.

Please note that LinkedIn also has access to information that you share with us through its platform

For more information, see LinkedIn's Privacy Policy.

For more information about privacy at Novartis, please see our Privacy Policy.

Thank you for reading our rules and being part of the Novartis Czech Republic LinkedIn community.

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