Transparent reporting is a major part of our commitments. For over a decade, we have been comprehensively and publicly reporting our impacts on the environment and society in Slovenia.

The Sustainability Report complies with the requirements of the Responsible Care Initiative (RCI), EMAS Environmental Management Scheme and international sustainability reporting standards GRI.

Sustainability Report 2022

The sustainability report was prepared for the period when we operated together with the generic division as a joint company within Novartis.

Sustainability Report 2022 (PDF 9 MB)

Information for the public about the Novartis LLC production plant

The company Novartis d. o. o., PE Mengeš, in accordance with the criteria for the amount of hazardous substances from the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Accidents and the Reduction of Their Consequences, is classified as a facility with a lower risk to the environment.

Informacija za javnost o obratu družbe Novartis d. o. o. (PDF 0.75 MB) (Slovenian)

Zasnova preprečevanja večjih nesreč (PDF 0.42 MB) (Slovenian)

ISO Certificates

ISO certificate for implemented and maintained occupational health and safety system.

ISO Certifikati Novartis d.o.o (PDF 0.27 MB) (Slovenian)