25 July 2024
Disability Pride Month flag in front of Novartis in Mengs
  • Novartis Slovenia has organized activities during July, Disability Pride Month, to raise awareness about the importance of inclusion of individuals with disabilities and the diversity and potential they bring to the workplace.
  • For the first time, Disability Pride Month was celebrated with a flag-raising ceremony and an employee roundtable, where the floor was given to colleagues who live with a disability themselves or who have colleagues with disabilities in their teams.
  • Novartis puts the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion at the heart of everything it does. By creating a work environment where everyone can be who they are, they ensure that everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential and contribute to co-creating medicine for a better world, regardless of personal circumstances or limitations.

Ljubljana, July 12 - Novartis Slovenia is raising awareness of the diversity and potential that people with disabilities bring to the workplace in July, Disability Pride Month. This year, for the first time, Disability Pride Month is being celebrated with a flag-raising and employee event, and a number of activities promoting inclusion in the workplace are being carried out throughout the year. By creating a diverse, fair and inclusive environment, they ensure that their employees are empowered, regardless of any limitations they may have.

One in seven people in the world lives with a disability, which can be visible or invisible. They face various forms of discrimination in their lives and find it harder to integrate into society and the workplace because of their limitations. Disability Pride Month is therefore dedicated to highlighting the achievements and contributions of people with disabilities in different fields of action. In this way, we help to reduce stigma and prejudice, while educating about the diversity of experiences of disability and how each individual can contribute to a more accessible and inclusive society. Disability Pride Month is therefore crucial to building a fairer, more equal and inclusive society for all people, regardless of their physical or mental abilities.

Round Table on Stories of (In)Visible Potentials

This year, Novartis Slovenia joined the Disability Pride Month campaign for the first time. As a sign of support, they have raised a flag at their locations in Ljubljana and Mengeš, a symbol of solidarity, pride and acceptance of disability. It consists of five colored stripes on a grey background, each representing a different type of disability.

On this occasion, Novartis employees were also invited to a panel discussion entitled "Stories of (In)visible Potential", where the floor was given to colleagues living with a disability or working with individuals with a disability. The aim was to bring this important topic to the attention of all employees, to introduce them to the potential that people with disabilities bring to their work environment, and to encourage them to behave in an inclusive and equitable way.

"I had to work a lot on myself to get where I am today. So it really meant a lot to me that we didn't have a 'if' conversation at work, but a 'how' conversation about how we were going to get me back to work. I may be disabled, but I still have a lot to give. I still have all the skills I had before, and I've gained new ones since the accident," said Emil Močnik, a Novartis associate who became a paraplegic in an accident a few years ago and returned to work with a lot of optimism and energy after his recovery.

Novartis in Slovenia has activities throughout the year to promote inclusion in the workplace. This is done, among other things, by the ERG Group, which, with the support of the company's management, raises awareness and educates employees through events, manuals and guidelines, and encourages them to work together to create an environment in which each individual feels accepted. "At Novartis, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, fair and diverse workplace. That's why we actively contribute through our stakeholder group of colleagues to amplify the voice of people with disabilities and to focus attention not only on the accommodations, but also on the potential that this diversity brings. The celebration of Disability Pride Month is our attempt to contribute to ensuring that all employees, regardless of any limitations they may have, feel valued for their abilities and their contribution to their work," added Tamara Barič, Head of the ERG Group Inclusion of People with Disabilities at Novartis in Slovenia.

Novartis Stakeholder Group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities with roundtable participants