We welcome the opportunity to hear from you and would like to share some simple ‘house rules’ to help everybody get the best from the community.

We work in a regulated industry and because of the unique legal situation in the healthcare space, we can't engage in sensitive topics, discussion(s) about specific products - ours or those of other companies' - or treatment options on this channel. For this reason, we want to make sure that the discussions that take place on the channel and individual watch pages stay on topic and are constructive.

Your comment won’t be published if:

  • It’s product related;
  • It includes profanity, defamatory, libelous, offensive, abusive, discriminatory or demeaning content;
  • It’s disparaging, threatening, condones violence or illegal behavior;
  • It’s off-topic;
  • It offers health or medical advice;
  • It contains any personal information e.g. names of individuals, email address, or phone number;
  • It violates another’s copyright or intellectual property;
  • It’s commercial, e.g. sells products and services, or recruit fans and followers;
  • It’s excessively repetitive and/or disruptive to the community or are spam;
  • It contains proprietary, confidential, sensitive, or nonpublic information;
  • It doesn’t follow YouTube’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.

Please be aware that users who continuously and repeatedly contravene the above rules may be blocked from the Novartis YouTube channel. In this case, the user would no longer be able to comment on videos or the channel.

This community is English speaking only and as such non-English language comments will not be posted.

Medical side effects or adverse events

If you believe that you have experienced any medical side effects or reactions from a Novartis product, you should consult your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional immediately. You can also report these to us directly using the information available on Novartis.com(link is external).

We suggest sharing as little personal information as possible on the YouTube channel especially sharing any specific data concerning your personal health should be avoided. Should you, however, decide to submit a comment detailing any side effects, Novartis may need to contact you to find out more information. Comments of this nature will not be posted; this is due to legal obligations concerning drug safety reporting.

Storing and using private information

Content you share in this channel is available to the public. Novartis may process, store and use information you chose to share through this channel for reasons such as improving its products and services, reporting adverse events or providing you with assistance upon your request. To facilitate requests, we may ask for additional information, which will only be used for the purpose it was initially collected.

In the case of an adverse event or product issue you report to us, we will need to store and use identifying information you provide in accordance with the applicable laws. This information is required to be submitted to the Novartis Drug Safety department and/or regulatory authorities. In such case, we are also required to store your personal data to comply with legal and regulatory requirements/obligations.

If you share personal information relating to other people, you represent that you have the authority to lawfully do so and to permit us to use the information.

Please kindly note that we may use 3rd party service providers to help us manage your comments which means that they too would have access to any personal information you share with us. Such 3rd party service providers are contractually bound to ensure an adequate protection and security of your personal information.

Please note that YouTube also has access to information you share with us through their platform. For more details read the YouTube Privacy Policy(link is external).

For additional information about privacy at Novartis, read our Privacy Policy.

Thank you for reading and being a part of the community.