The FRA Analyst in Travel and Expenses department is responsible for reimbursement process of travel expenses and compliance with global, local and legal requirements, supporting employees on our export markets, creating various supporting documentation and reports, analyzing data, participating in process optimization and project implementation.
About the Role
Vaše ključne odgovornosti:
- Odgovornost za kontrolo in obdelavo potnih nalogov za izvozne trge,
- Odgovornost za skladnost in pravilnost procesa obračuna potnih stroškov,
- Pomoč in podpora končnim uporabnikom glede procesa potnih stroškov, orodja za povračilo in izobraževanja s področja potnih stroškov,
- Odgovornost za pridobivanje službenih kartic in sodelovanje z bankami,
- Odgovornost za poročanje (finančne kontrole in usklajevanje kontov bilance) ter skrb za izdelavo analiz in poročil s pojasnili,
- Odgovornost za izdelavo računovodskih obračunov in sodelovanje pri pripravi računovodskih izkazov,
- Sodelovanje pri uvajanju novih informacijskih sistemov in projektov (Concur) ter sodelovanje pri oblikovanju učinkovitejših metod dela,
- Ostale naloge določene z letnim pogovorom o ciljih in s kazalniki uspešnosti ter druge naloge po navodilu nadrejenega in naloge na podlagi posebnega imenovanja.
Vaš doprinos k delovnem mestu:
- Visokošolska stopnja izobrazbe ekonomskofinančne ali druge ustrezne smeri,
- Napredno znanje angleškega jezika,
- Napredno poznavanje orodja Microsoft Office,
- 2 leti delovnih izkušenj s področja računovodstva in knjigovodstva,
- Izjemna agilnost pri učenju, odločnost in sposobnost samostojnega odločanja,
- Dinamična in proaktivna miselnost,
- Predhodne delovne izkušnje na projektih so plus,
- Odlične komunikacijske sposobnosti.
Z izbranim kandidatom bomo sklenili delovno razmerje za nedoločen čas s poskusno dobo 6 mesecev.
Prijave z življenjepisom v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku lahko oddate preko spletne povezave.
Zakaj Novartis?
Naš namen je soustvarjati medicino za izboljšanje in podaljševanje življenja ljudi, naša vizija pa je postati najbolj cenjeno in zaupanja vredno farmacevtsko podjetje na svetu. Kako lahko to dosežemo? S pomočjo naših ljudi. Prav naši sodelavci nas vsak dan spodbujajo, da dosežemo svoje ambicije. Postanite del te misije in se nam pridružite! Več na spodnji povezavi:
Kaj nudimo:
Konkurenčen plačni paket, letni bonus, fleksibilen način dela, z možnostjo prilagajanja urnika in delom od doma, pokojninsko shemo, shemo nagrajevanja in priznanja dosežkov, razširjeni program promocije zdravja na področju telesnega, duševnega in družbenega počutja (Polni življenja) ter dogodke, neomejene priložnosti za učenje in razvoj.
Predani smo raznolikosti in vključenosti
Novartis si prizadeva ustvariti izjemno, vključujoče delovno okolje in oblikovanje raznolikih timov, saj ti predstavljajo naše bolnike in skupnosti, ki jih oskrbujemo.
Pridružite se naši mreži Novartis:
V kolikor se ne prepoznate v zgornjem opisu delovnega mesta, vas vabimo, da se vpišete na spodnji povezavi v Novartisovo bazo talentov saj lahko tako vašo vlogo upoštevamo za podobne pozicije v prihodnosti:
Major accountabilities:
- Responsibility for the control and processing of travel claims for export markets,
- Responsibility for the compliance and correctness of the travel expenses reimbursement process,
- End user support regarding travel and expense process, reimbursement tool, and training on travel and expense area,
- Responsibility for obtaining corporate cards and cooperation with the banks,
- Responsibility for reporting (finance controls and reconciliation of balance sheet accounts) and responsibility for the generation of analyses and reports with explanatory notes,
- Responsibility for the compilation of statements of account and participation in the compilation of financial statements,
- Participation in the implementation of new information systems and projects (Concur) and participation in the creation of working methods with a higher level of efficiency,
- Other tasks determined by the annual objective setting process and the key performance indicators and other tasks as directed by the supervisor, and tasks based on a specific appointment
Minimum Requirements:
- University degree in economics & finance or other equivalent degree,
- Advanced knowledge of English,
- Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office,
- 2 years of working experience in accounting and book-keeping,
- Impressive learning agility, assertiveness and ability to make decisions on your own,
- A dynamic and proactive mindset,
- Previous project work experiences are a plus,
- Excellent communication skills.
We offer permanent employment, with 6 months of probation period.
You are kindly invited to submit your application in English language, including CV.
Why Novartis?
Our purpose is to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives and our vision is to become the most valued and trusted medicines company in the world. How can we achieve this? With our people. It is our associates that drive us each day to reach our ambitions. Be a part of this mission and join us! Learn more here:
You’ll receive:
Competitive salary, Annual bonus, Flexible working schedule, tailored to your needs, possibility to work from home, Pension scheme, Employee Recognition Scheme, Expanded program for the promotion of health in the field of physical, mental and social well-being, Unlimited learning and development opportunities.
Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:
Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.
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Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together?
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Accessibility and accommodation
Novartis is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. If, because of a medical condition or disability, you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the recruitment process, or in order to perform the essential functions of a position, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know the nature of your request and your contact information. Please include the job requisition number in your message.
Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.