Contact Us

Contact Us

Thank you for taking the time to contact Novartis Pharmaceuticals. We appreciate having you as a customer.

This page is provided as a service of Novartis and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. If you have questions regarding your personal health, please consult your physician.

We want to tell you how your information is used or disclosed. Novartis does not share your personal information with third parties for their own separate use, except where required by law (such as reporting to health authorities). Your information may be shared with Novartis business partners who help us respond to customer emails, or who assist us with programs to improve our products and services to customers. These programs include randomly contacting customers who email us, to improve our quality assurance and services. You are under no obligation to participate and can always request that you not be contacted. Thank you again for your trust in Novartis.

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