How We Support Health Care Professionals

To assist and empower health care professionals (HCPs), Novartis offers a library of downloadable and on-demand resources. These include content about HCP burnout, oral oncology, palliative care, quality-of-life issues, and forward-looking drug development.

HCP Burnout

Both providers and patients feel the impact of physician burnout in a variety of ways. These resources help HCPs – and the institutions they work for – identify and cope with burnout, understand their risk, and develop strategies to increase resiliency and minimize burnout.

Addressing and Preventing Burnout in Your Organization

This video educates leaders on how to help prevent HCP burnout in a medical practice or hospital.
Download the Addressing and Preventing Burnout Tip Sheet (PDF 0.11 MB) 

Prevalence and Consequences of Burnout and Stress in Health Care

This video explains the prevalence and potential consequences of stress and burnout in HCPs.
Download the Prevalence and Consequences of Burnout and Stress in Health Care Tip Sheet (PDF 0.90 MB) 

Recognizing and Preventing Burnout in Yourself and Others

This video illustrates the symptoms of stress and burnout and how to help prevent burnout in HCPs.
Download the Recognizing and Preventing Burnout in Yourself and Others Tip Sheet (PDF 0.15 MB)

Podcast: Health Care Provider Burnout

This podcast features a conversation with Kathleen Sweeney, Director of Hematology and Transplant Services for the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Network. This podcast discusses stress, HCP burnout, and how to address it.

Audio file

Oral Oncology

During treatment with oral oncology medications, HCPs, patients, and their caregivers may benefit from educational and support resources specific to navigating care with oral oncology medications, which may be different from other forms of oncology treatment.

Oral Oncology Coordination of Care

In this video, Ryan J. Haumschild, PharmD, explains how to coordinate care for patients receiving oral oncolytics.
Download the Oral Oncology Coordination of Care Tip Sheet (PDF 0.16 MB) 

Empathetic Listening and Effective Communication: A Guide for Pharmacists

This video discusses how pharmacy staff can effectively communicate to improve oncology patient and caregiver interactions.
Download the Empathetic Listening and Effective Communication Tip Sheet (PDF 0.09 MB) 

Podcast: Oral Oncology Adherence

This podcast features a conversation with Ryan J. Haumschild, PharmD, on oral oncology care coordination and the importance of patient adherence.

Audio file

Caregiver Role in Adherence in Oral Oncology Care Coordination

In this video, Ryan J. Haumschild, PharmD, explains the important role caregivers play in patient adherence to oral oncolytics.
Download the Caregiver Role in Adherence in Oral Oncology Care Coordination Tip Sheet (PDF 0.10 MB) 

Technology's Role in Coordinating Oral Oncology Care

In this video, Ryan J. Haumschild, PharmD, discusses the role of technology in coordinating oral oncology care.
Download the Technology’s Role in Coordinating Oral Oncology Care Tip Sheet (PDF 0.10 MB) 

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Oral Oncology Tools for Health Care Providers

This collection of tools for HCPs includes a question guide for developing an oral oncology framework, a flow sheet for navigating and managing patient therapy, and a fact sheet on the benefits and challenges of in-house dispensing pharmacies and specialty pharmacies.
Download the HCP Oral Oncology Tools Resource (PDF 1.04 MB) 

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Supporting Appropriate Adherence to Oral Oncology Medications

This fact sheet looks at the critical role dispensing pharmacists play in helping patients follow oral treatment regimens.
Download the Supporting Appropriate Adherence Fact Sheet (PDF 0.13 MB)  

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Oral Oncology Medication Tools for Health Care Providers

This fact sheet provides an overview of 3 tools for HCPs that can help in navigating patient care with oral oncology medications.
Download the HCP Oral Oncology Medication Tools Resource (PDF 0.14 MB) 

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Components of an Oral Oncology Program

This guide provides a framework for health care organizations to assess oral oncology programs.
Download the Components of an Oral Oncology Program Guide (PDF 0.95 MB) 

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Medication Acquisition: In-House Dispensing Pharmacy and Specialty Pharmacy

This fact sheet for HCPs provides an overview of benefits, challenges, and considerations around acquiring medications through an in-house dispensing pharmacy or specialty pharmacy.
Download the Medication Acquisition Fact Sheet (PDF 0.09 MB) 

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Oral Oncology Medication Therapy Management Flow Sheet 

This flow sheet for HCPs helps them navigate key components of managing patient therapy with oral oncology medication.
Download the Oral Oncology Medication Therapy Management Flow Sheet (PDF 0.13 MB) 

Palliative Care 

Palliative care is a specialized approach to medical treatment for patients with serious or life-threatening diseases. These resources can facilitate conversation between HCPs, patients, and caregivers about early adoption of palliative care and its benefits.

Considerations for Providing Palliative Care

In this video, Bridget Scullion, PharmD, talks about addressing challenges in palliative care.
Download the Considerations for Providing Palliative Care Tip Sheet (PDF 0.06 MB)  

Palliative Care for Patients and Caregivers

In this video, Bridget Scullion, PharmD, discusses palliative care, encouraging conversation about its integration into early care management.
Download the Palliative Care for Patients and Caregivers Tip Sheet (PDF 0.14 MB)  

Podcast: Palliative Care

This podcast features Bridget Scullion, PharmD, discussing the future of palliative care.

Audio file

Exploring the Benefits of Palliative Care 

In this video, Bridget Scullion, PharmD, explains the many benefits of palliative care.
Download the Exploring the Benefits of Palliative Care Tip Sheet (PDF 0.14 MB)

Quality of Life

Quality of life metrics can help the patient care team develop shared goals beyond symptom and disease management. The resources here provide an overview of instruments, and facilitate communication between HCPs, patients, and caregivers about quality of life.

Introduction to Quality-of-Life Measures

This video explains quality-of-life measures and how they are used in oncology care.
Download the Introduction to Quality-of-Life Measures Tip Sheet (PDF 0.16 MB) 

Quality-of-Life Measures in Action 

This video discusses how quality-of-life measures can affect oncology treatment.
Download the Quality-of-Life Measures in Action Tip Sheet (PDF 0.78 MB) 

Drug Development

Learn how significant advances in medical science, drug trial designs, and the FDA's Accelerated Review Process have resulted in more oncology therapy options for physicians and cancer patients.

Health Systems Management Video: Advances in Drug Development 

This video covers the drug development process and recent advances in the field.

Health Systems Management Video: FDA Approval Processes

This video covers the various ways that pipeline compounds can potentially gain accelerated approvals from the US Food and Drug Administration.

Practice Resources

The resources in this section can be utilized by fellows, early career physicians, and others involved in the cancer continuum including extended members of the health care team.

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Common Terms Used in Oncology Care Delivery 

Developed in collaboration with Community Oncology Alliance (COA), this resource is a glossary of terms that emerging oncologists and health care professionals may encounter in their daily work, segmented by the following chapters: (1) Payer Terms, (2) Patient Access and Fulfillment, (3) Medicare and Health Care Policy, and (4) Practice Management.
Download the Common Terms Used in Oncology Care Delivery resource (PDF 0.65 MB)