Working to create a world where the millions of people with immunological conditions, and those who treat them, can live without compromise.

Affecting 40 million people worldwide, CSU is an immune-related condition characterized by itchy hives and/or deep tissue swelling (angioedema), which can occur on the face, throat, hands and feet. There is no one measurable indicator of CSU and it may be mistaken for an allergic reaction, making it difficult to diagnose and manage. CSU causes significant emotional distress to people with the disease, with many suffering from sleep deprivation and high rates of anxiety or depression. This shouldn’t have to be their reality. Leveraging expertise in this disease is critical to address the unmet needs of people with CSU to ensure that they receive the care they urgently need.

People with HS experience boil-like abscesses on their skin, often in the most intimate parts of the body, that can burst and result in irreversible scarring. The devastating impact of HS ranges from pain that makes it hard to dress or sit down to psychological challenges that, in many cases, lead to social withdrawal and depression.

Bringing this critical human perspective into scientific understanding is essential to ensure patients receive the care they deserve.

For many people, living with the thick, red, scaly patches of skin caused by PsO means a daily struggle with pain, discomfort and even depression. Understanding day-to-day life with this disease, which affects approximately 159 million people, is vital to better develop and accelerate new therapies.

People with PsA can have multiple manifestations of the disease causing different but equally problematic symptoms. Pain, stiffness and swelling can cause irreversible joint damage and people with PsA can sometimes experience skin plaques, which are raised patches of red skin that are thick, scaly, and itchy. There’s a need to help people with PsA restore a sense of control and possibility in the face of their disease.

Waking up in the night because of back pain and being stiff and tired in the morning is a normal experience for people living with axSpA, a form of inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine and other joints. But that doesn’t have to be the case. By working together, we can help alleviate the burden of diseases like axSpA by turning scientific breakthroughs into medicines that change lives.


Events and scientific meetings

AADAmerican Academy of Dermatology is external)
EADVEuropean Academy of Dermatology and Venereology is external)
WCDWorld Congress of Dermatology is external)
ACRAmerican college of Rheumatology Convergence is external)
EULAREuropean Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology is external)
EACCIEuropean Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology is external)
ACAAIAmerican College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology is external)
Sjögren's Europe…(link is external)
AAAAIAmerican Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology is external)