For questions about Investor Relations or the Share Registry, please contact our team.

For all other queries:

Main Switchboard

Phone: +41 61 324 11 11

US Switchboard

Phone: +1 862 778 21 00


For information regarding the share register (entries, transfers, dividends, etc.) please contact:

Postal addressNovartis International AG
Share Registry
Forum 1-2.77
P.O. Box
4002 Basel
Phone number+41 61 324 72 04

You can notify the Share Registry of a change of address using the following form:
Change of address: Online form

Note: Most Swiss custodian banks automatically notify the stock corporations of their customers’ address changes to be applied in the share register.

Email address:

Isabella Zinck

Phone: +41 61 324 71 88

Nicole Zinsli-Somm

Phone: +41 61 324 38 09

Mailing address:

Novartis International AG
Investor Relations
P.O. Box
CH - 4002 Basel / Switzerland
Phone: +41 61 324 79 44
Fax: +41 61 324 84 44

Email address:

Sloan Simpson

Head of Investor Relations

Phone: +1 862 345 44 40

Jonathan Graham

Phone: +1 201 602 99 21

Parag Mahanti

Phone: +1 973 876 49 12

Mailing address:

Novartis Pharmaceuticals
One Health Plaza
East Hanover, NJ 07936