Novartis maintained its strong position in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index with a percentile score of 91 (vs. 87 in 2019). We are proud of our industry-leading performance in the areas of social and environmental reporting, human capital development and labor practices. Novartis has been included in the DJSI World Index for the last 18 years and also remains listed in the DSJI Europe Index.
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is an increasingly important benchmark for investors. In 2020, 83 pharmaceutical companies were assessed with the top 8 companies being included in the index and the top 5 European companies also included in the European Index.
DJSI is one of the priority ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) ratings for Novartis, which help inform investor decision making. Other priority ratings include Sustainalytics, MSCI, CDP, Vigeo, Oekom and the Access to Medicine Index. Further information on our ESG ratings and reporting can be found here.
First sustainability-linked bond in the healthcare industry

Novartis priced a EUR 1.85 billion sustainability-linked bond (SLB), reinforcing its commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles and patient access. The bond is the first of its kind in the healthcare industry and the first SLB incorporating social targets.