Together in spirit. Find out how our associates all over the world are joining together to make a difference as we celebrate Pride 2020.

Jun 03, 2020

We each have a story to tell. A community that contributes to who we are today. Heroes who hold us up in the face of challenges.

Our stories are what make us exceptional – they inspire those around us but also future generations. At Novartis, we want to build an inclusive environment that values each of our unique stories, because it’s our differences that enable our global impact. Our shared stories offer new ways of seeing the world that can help us to reimagine medicine for people everywhere.

Pride 2020

We believe that everyone should be free to be their best and true self at work, without fear of discrimination, so that they can share their stories and be inspired everyday to make a difference.

That’s why we were the first global pharmaceutical company to support the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business, tackling discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, & Intersex (LGBTI) People(link is external) and we actively promote LGBTI equity and awareness to improve the lives of our associates around the world and shape positive societal impact.

This year, more than ever, we want to come together to share who we are and support one another in the spirit of inclusivity - to understand, empathize, learn from and inspire one another. That’s why for Pride 2020, we’re virtually bringing together our LGBTI associates and allies from across the globe to share their stories and how they’ve been inspired to make a difference.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

Pride @ Novartis

Find out more about how Novartis is committed to actively promoting LGBTI equity and awareness at work and in our wider society.

Learn More