Prevention, Complaint and Discipline of Sexual Harassment Policy

1.目的 Purpose

為防治、處理性騷擾事件,提供本公司員工、Contingent Worker(以下稱約僱人員)及求職者免於性騷擾之工作及服務環境,爰依性別平等工作法第十三條第一項,以及勞動部頒布「工作場所性騷擾防治措施準則」之相關規定,訂定本辦法。
To undertake proper prevention and handle sexual harassment incidents and provide a friendly working environment that is free of sexual harassment for the employees, contingent workers and job applicants, in accordance with Article 13, Paragraph 1 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act, and the relevant regulations outlined in the "Amendments to the Regulations for Establishing Measures on Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" issued by the Ministry of Labor.

2.範圍 Scope

Sexual harassment incidents that occur when the employees, contingent workers and job applicants are performing their job duties or applying for jobs of company.

3.權責 Role & Responsibility

3.1.    提出性騷擾申訴案:性騷擾事件被害人或其代理人向本公司提起申訴。
Filing a complaint of sexual harassment: The victim of a sexual harassment incident or his/her representative may file a complaint with the company.

3.2.    知悉性騷擾事件:任何非經被害人或其代理人向本公司提出申訴而使本公司知悉性騷擾事件之行為。
Awareness of sexual harassment incidents: Any behavior that makes the company aware of a sexual harassment incident, except in cases where the victim or his/her representative has not filed a complaint with the company.

3.3.    性騷擾事件受理及調查:人力資源部(詳第7.1節)。
Receipt and investigation of sexual harassment incidents: People & Organization Department shall handle the receipt and investigation of sexual harassment incidents (as detailed in Section 7.1).

3.4.    性騷擾事件評議及決議:性騷擾申訴處理委員會以及性騷擾申訴調查小組(詳第8.1 – 8.3節)。
Evaluation and resolution of sexual harassment incidents: The Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee and the Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Team shall be responsible for the evaluation and resolution of sexual harassment incidents (as detailed in Sections 8.1-8.3).

4.定義 Definition

4.1.    本辦法所稱性騷擾,係指本公司員工、約僱人員及求職者於執行職務或求職時發生性別平等工作法第十二條所定之下列行為:
The term "sexual harassment" as mentioned in this policy refers to the following behaviors as defined in Article 12 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act, when the employees, contingent workers, and job applicants of the company perform their job duties or apply for jobs:

4.1.1.    任何人以性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,對本公司員工、約僱人員及求職者造成敵意性、脅迫性或冒犯性之工作環境,侵犯或干擾其人格尊嚴、人身自由或影響其工作表現;
Any person who, through verbal or non-verbal language or actions, makes sexual requests or engages in behavior with sexual connotations or gender discrimination, thereby creating a hostile, coercive, or offensive working environment for employees, contingent workers, or job applicants of the company, infringing upon or interfering with their personal dignity, personal freedom, or affecting their work performance.

4.1.2.    雇主或主管對本公司員工、約僱人員及求職者為明示或暗示之性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,做為勞務契約成立、存續、變更或分發、配置、報酬、考績、陞遷、降調、獎懲之交換條件;
Employers or people managers who make explicit or implicit sexual requests or engage in language or behavior with sexual connotations or gender discrimination towards employees, contingent workers, and job applicants of the company, using them as conditions for the establishment, continuation, modification, distribution, allocation, compensation, performance appraisal, promotion, demotion, rewards, or disciplinary actions of the employment contract.

4.1.3.    對於因僱用、求職或執行職務關係受自己指揮、監督之人,利用權勢或機會為性騷擾。
Abuse of power sexual harassment refers to the act of using one's power or position to engage in sexual harassment towards someone under their supervision or control, or someone who is in a subordinate position due to their employment, job application, or job responsibilities.

4.1.4.    除前三點之外,並得綜合審酌下列情形以為認定是否構成性騷擾:
In addition to the previous three points, the determination of whether an act constitutes sexual harassment may also consider the following circumstances in a comprehensive manner:    不適當之凝視、觸摸、擁抱、親吻或嗅聞他人身體;強行使他人對自己身體為之者,亦同。
Inappropriate gazing, touching, hugging, kissing, or smelling of another person’s body; it’s the same that apply to forcing someone to perform such actions on one’s own body.    寄送、留置、展示或播送性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之文字、圖畫、聲音、影像或其他物品。
Sending, placing, displaying, or broadcasting texts, pictures, sound, images, or other materials containing sexual requests, sexual connotations, or gender discrimination.    反覆或持續違反意願之跟隨或追求行為。
Repeated or persistent following or pursuit behavior against someone's will.

4.2.    下列情形亦適用本辦法:
The following situations also fall under the scope of this policy:

4.2.1.    員工、約僱人員於非工作時間,遭受本公司之同一人,為持續性性騷擾。
If an employee or contingent worker is subjected to persistent sexual harassment by the same individual from the company during non-working hours.

4.2.2.    員工、約僱人員於非工作時間,遭受其他公司,具共同作業或業務往來關係之同一人,為持續性性騷擾。
If an employee or contingent worker is subjected to persistent sexual harassment by the same individual from another company with which there is a collaborative or business relationship.

4.2.3.    員工、約僱人員於非工作時間,遭受最高負責人或主管為性騷擾。
If an employee or contingent worker is subjected to sexual harassment by the highest-ranking executive or supervisor during non-working hours.

5.防治性騷擾之教育訓練 Training on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment

5.1.    本公司就下列人員,實施防治性騷擾之教育訓練:
The company will provide the training on the prevention of sexual harassment to the following individuals:

5.1.1.    員工、約僱人員應接受工作場所性騷擾防治之教育訓練。
All employees and contingent workers should receive the training on preventing and addressing workplace sexual harassment.

5.1.2.    擔任帶人主管職務以及參與性騷擾申訴事件之處理、調查及決議人員,每年應定期接受相關教育訓練。
Supervisors and individuals involved in the handling, investigation, and resolution of sexual harassment complaints should undergo regular training on relevant topics. This training should be provided on an annual basis to ensure their understanding of best practices and updated knowledge in effectively addressing sexual harassment incidents.

5.2.    前述第5.1節之教育訓練,針對該節指定之人員或單位成員、本公司之董事(理事)、監察人(監事)、經理人及擔任主管職務者,優先實施。
The training mentioned in section 5.1 will be prioritized for the individuals or members of the identified departments, as well as the directors, supervisors, managers, and officers of the company. This prioritization ensures that those in positions of authority or leadership within the company receive the necessary training to effectively prevent and address sexual harassment incidents.

5.3.    於非本公司所能支配、管理之工作場所工作者,本公司應為工作環境性騷擾風險類型辨識、提供必要防護措施,並事前詳為告知員工或約僱人員。
For workers in workplaces that are not under the direct management of the company, the company should identify the types of risks associated with workplace sexual harassment, provide necessary protective measures, and inform employees or contingent workers in advance about these risks.

6. 立即有效之糾正及補救措施 Immediate and Effective Corrective and Remedial Measures

6.1.    本公司於知悉性騷擾之情形時,將採取下列立即有效之糾正及補救措施:
When the company becomes aware of a sexual harassment incident, it will take the following immediate and effective corrective and remedial measures:

6.1.1.    因接獲申訴而知悉性騷擾之情形時:
Upon receiving a complaint and becoming aware of a sexual harassment incident:    考量申訴人意願,採取適當之隔離措施,避免申訴人受性騷擾情形再度發生,並不得對申訴人之薪資等勞動條件作不利之變更。
Taking appropriate separation measures based on the complainant's wishes to prevent a recurrence of the harassment and ensuring that the complainant does not experience detrimental changes in their employment conditions, such as salary.    對申訴人提供或轉介諮詢、醫療或心理諮商、社會福利資源及其他必要之服務。
Providing or referring the complainant to consultation services, medical or psychological counseling, social welfare resources, and other necessary services.    啟動本辦法第8節之調查及處理程序,對性騷擾事件之相關人員進行訪談或適當之調查程序。
Initiating the investigation and handling procedures outlined in Section 8 of this policy, which may involve conducting interviews or appropriate investigative procedures with individuals involved in the harassment incident.    被申訴人具權勢地位,且情節重大,於進行調查期間有先行停止或調整職務之必要時,得暫時停止或調整被申訴人之職務;經調查未認定為性騷擾者,停止職務期間之薪資,應予補發。
If the accused individual holds a position of power and the severity of the incident warrants it, temporarily suspending or adjusting their position during the investigation. If the accused individual is not determined to be responsible for the harassment, they shall be compensated for the period of suspension.    性騷擾行為經查證屬實,將視情節輕重對行為人為適當之懲戒或處理。情節重大者,本公司得依性別平等工作法第十三條之一第二項規定,不經預告終止勞動契約。
If the sexual harassment behavior is confirmed through the investigation, the company will impose appropriate disciplinary measures or actions based on the severity of the incident. In cases of serious misconduct, the company may terminate the employment contract without prior notice in accordance with Article 13-1, Paragraph 2 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act.    如經證實有惡意虛構之事實者,亦對申訴人為適當之懲戒或處理。
If it is found that the complainant deliberately fabricated malicious facts, appropriate disciplinary measures or actions will be taken against the complainant as well.

6.1.2.    本公司非因申訴而知悉性騷擾事件時:
If the company becomes aware of a sexual harassment incident not through a complaint:    訪談相關人員,就相關事實進行必要之釐清及查證。
Interviewing relevant individuals to clarify and verify the relevant facts of the incident.    告知被害人得主張之權益及各種救濟途徑,並依其意願協助其提起申訴。
Informing the victim of their rights and various avenues for seeking remedies, and assisting them in filing a complaint according to their wishes.    對相關人員適度調整工作內容或工作場所。
Making appropriate adjustments to the work content or work environment for the individuals involved.    依被害人意願,提供或轉介諮詢、醫療或心理諮商處理、社會福利資源及其他必要之服務。
Providing or referring the victim to consultation services, medical or psychological counseling, social welfare resources, and other necessary services based on the victim's wishes.

6.2.    本公司因接獲被害人陳述而知悉性騷擾事件,惟被害人無提起申訴意願者,本公司仍將依第6.1.2節規定,採取立即有效之糾正及補救措施。
If the company becomes aware of a sexual harassment incident based on the victim's statement but the victim does not express a willingness to file a complaint, the company will still take immediate and effective corrective and remedial measures in accordance with Section 6.1.2.

6.3.    性騷擾之被申訴人如非為本公司員工,本公司仍將依本辦法相關規定辦理,並採取本條所定立即有效之糾正及補救措施。
If the accused individual in a sexual harassment complaint is not an employee of the company, the company will still handle the complaint in accordance with the relevant provisions of this policy and take immediate and effective corrective and remedial measures as defined in this section.

6.4.    被害人如認本公司於知悉性騷擾情形時,未採取立即有效之糾正及補救措施者,得依性別平等工作法第三十四條第一項規定,向地方主管機關提起申訴。
If the victim believes that the company did not take immediate and effective corrective and remedial measures upon becoming aware of the sexual harassment incident, they may file a complaint with the local competent authority in accordance with Article 34, Paragraph 1 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act.

7.申訴 Complaints

7.1.    申訴管道:性騷擾事件之申訴,由人力資源部受理,申訴管道包括
Complaint channels: Complaints regarding sexual harassment incidents should be filed with People & Organization Department. The available complaint channels are:

7.1.1.    申訴專線電話:(02)2322-7999;專線傳真:(02)2322-7691。
Complaint hotline: (02)2322-7999; Fax line: (02)2322-7691.

7.1.2.    申訴電子信箱:[email protected](主旨請註明「性騷擾申訴」)。
Complaint e-mail: [email protected] (Please indicate "Sexual Harassment Complaint" in the e-mail subject).

7.1.3.    諾華全球申訴辦公室:網站線上申訴 go/speakup 或 Toll-Free Service 00801-49-1768 或電子信箱 [email protected]
Novartis Global Speakup Office: Online complaint submission through go/speakup, Toll-Free Service 00801-49-1768, or e-mail [email protected].

7.2.    性騷擾事件之申訴內容
Contents of the sexual harassment complaint:

7.2.1.    性騷擾之申訴,得由本人或其代理人以言詞、電子郵件或書面提出申訴。如以言詞或電子郵件提出申訴者,受理人員應作成紀錄,並向申訴人朗讀或提供申訴人閱覽,確認其內容無誤後,由申訴人簽名或簽章。
A sexual harassment complaint may be submitted by the individual themselves or their representative in verbal, email, or written form. If the complaint is made verbally or via email, the receiving personnel should make a record of it. The content of the complaint should be read out or provided to the complainant for verification, and after confirming its accuracy, the complainant should sign or affix their signature to it.

7.2.2.    前項書面應載明下列事項:
The written complaint should include the following information:
(一)    申訴人姓名、所屬單位及職稱、住居所、聯絡電話、申訴日期。
Complainant's name, department and position, address, contact number, and date of the complaint.
(二)    申訴之事實、內容以及相關證據。
Facts, content, and relevant evidence of the complaint.
(三)    如為代理人申訴,應檢附委任書,並載明其姓名、住居所、聯絡電話。
If the complaint is made by a representative, a power of attorney should be attached, stating the representative's name, address, and contact number.

7.3.    本公司於接獲申訴時,將按勞動部規定之內容及方式,通知地方主管機關。
When the company receives a complaint, it will notify the local competent authority in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Labor.

7.4.    申訴人向本公司提出性騷擾之申訴時,得於本公司決議通知書送達前,以書面撤回其申訴;申訴經撤回者,不得就同一事由再為申訴。但申訴人撤回申訴後,同一事由如發生新事實或發現新證據,仍得再提出申訴。
If the complainant wishes to withdraw their sexual harassment complaint before the company issues a decision letter, they may do so in writing. Once a complaint is withdrawn, the same matter cannot be raised again as a complaint. However, if new facts or evidence arise after the withdrawal, the complainant may file a new complaint.

7.5.    約僱人員如遭受本公司員工性騷擾時,本公司將受理申訴並與該任用約僱人員之事業單位共同調查,將結果通知約僱人員之事業單位及當事人。
In the case of harassment by a company employee against a contingent worker, the company will handle the complaint jointly with the contingent worker’s employer and notify the employer and the involved parties of the outcome.

7.6.    性騷擾之被申訴人為本公司最高負責人時,本公司員工或不具本公司員工身分者除可依本辦法提出申訴外,亦得依性別平等工作法第三十二條之一第一項第一款規定,逕向地方主管機關提起申訴。
If the individual accused of sexual harassment is the highest-ranking executive of the company, both employees of the company and non-employees can file a complaint under this policy or directly with the local competent authority in accordance with Article 32-1, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act.

8.調查及處理程序 Investigation and Handling Procedure

8.1.    為保護雙方當事人之隱私以及其他人格法益,並確保申訴事件處理之公正性,公司除設置性騷擾申訴處理委員會外,並組成性騷擾申訴調查小組調查,以保密方式處理申訴,並使申訴人免於遭受任何報復或其他不利之待遇。
In order to protect the privacy and personality rights of both parties involved and ensure the fairness of handling the complaint, the company will establish a Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee and form a Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Team to conduct confidential investigations and protect the complainant from any retaliation or adverse treatment.

8.2.    性騷擾申訴處理委員會成員包括人力資源部長、總經理、法務部長及由總經理就申訴個案指定之在職員工擔任,總計5人,其中應有具備性別意識之專業人士,且女性委員不得少於3人。
The members of the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee include the Head of People & Organization, Country President, Head of Legal, and employees designated by the Country President in response to complaint cases. In total, there should be 5 members, including professionals with gender awareness, and at least 3 female members.

8.3.    性騷擾申訴調查小組之成員應有具備性別意識之外部專業人士。
The members of the Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Team should include external professionals with gender awareness.

8.4.    申訴處理程序
Procedures for handling complaints

8.4.1.    人力資源部接獲性騷擾申訴事件時,應即確認申訴內容完整性,並同時副知法務部長。人力資源部長應先徵詢法務部長意見,於三個工作日內確認是否受理。不受理之申訴事件,人力資源部長應附具理由通知申訴人,並提報性騷擾申訴處理委員會備查。
When the Head of People & Organization receives a sexual harassment complaint, it should promptly verify the completeness of the complaint and inform the Head of Legal simultaneously. The Head of People & Organization should seek the opinion of the Head of Legal and confirm whether to accept the complaint within three working days. If a complaint is not accepted, the Head of People & Organization should provide reasons and notify the complainant, and report it to the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee for record.

8.4.2.    申訴事件有下列情形之一者,人力資源部長得不予受理:
The Head of People & Organization may not accept a complaint in the following situations:
(一)    性騷擾申訴事件結案後,或於本公司決議通知書送達前以書面撤回其申訴者,就同一事由再提出申訴。
When a sexual harassment complaint has been closed or withdrawn in writing before the company issues a decision letter, the same matter cannot be raised again as a complaint.
(二)    對於非屬本辦法性騷擾範圍之事件提出申訴者。
When a complaint is made regarding an event that does not fall within the scope of this policy's definition of sexual harassment.

8.5.    性騷擾申訴事件之調查,由性騷擾申訴調查小組為之。調查結果包括性騷擾申訴事件之案由、調查訪談過程紀錄、事實認定及理由以及處理建議。申訴調查小組應將調查結果移送性騷擾申訴處理委員會,性騷擾申訴處理委員會應參考調查結果,並於收受調查結果後七日內為附理由之決議,亦得作成懲戒或其他處理之建議。
The investigation of sexual harassment complaints will be conducted by the Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Team. The investigation results should include the causes of the complaint, records of the investigation interviews, factual findings and reasons, and recommendations for handling the case. The investigation results should be submitted to the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee. The Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee should consider the investigation results and make a decision with reasons within seven days of receiving the investigation results. The committee may also make disciplinary or other handling recommendations.

8.6.    調查過程應保護雙方當事人與受邀協助調查者之個人隱私及其他人格法益。對其姓名或其他足以辨識身分之資料,除有調查之必要或基於公共安全之考量外,應予保密,且不得偽造、變造、湮滅或隱匿工作場所性騷擾事件之證據。
The investigation process should protect the personal privacy and other personality rights of the parties involved and individuals invited to assist with the investigation. Personal information such as names or other identifying information should be kept confidential unless necessary for the investigation or based on considerations of public safety. It is prohibited to forge, alter, destroy, or conceal evidence related to workplace sexual harassment incidents.

8.7.    性騷擾申訴調查小組以及性騷擾申訴處理委員會調查或評議性騷擾申訴案件以不公開方式為之。
The Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Team and Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee should conduct investigations or deliberations on sexual harassment complaints in a non-public manner.

8.8.    性騷擾申訴調查小組以及性騷擾申訴處理委員會召開會議時得通知當事人、關係人到場說明,給予當事人充分陳述意見及答辯機會,除有詢問當事人之必要外,應避免重複詢問,必要時並得邀請具相關學識經驗者協助。
When the Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Team and Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee hold meetings, the parties involved and relevant individuals may be notified to attend and provide explanations. The complainant should be given ample opportunity to state their opinions and defend themselves. Redundant questioning should be avoided unless necessary. If necessary, individuals with relevant expertise or experience may be invited to assist.

8.9.    性騷擾申訴處理委員會決議或建議應以書面為之,並通知申訴人以及被申訴人,再移交公司內相關單位依規定辦理。
Decisions or recommendations of the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee should be in writing and communicated to the complainant and the accused. They should then be handed over to relevant internal function of the company for further action in accordance with the regulations.

8.10.    申訴人如對申訴案之決議有異議者,得依性別平等工作法第三十二條之一規定,向地方主管機關提起再申訴。
If the complainant disagrees with the decision in a complaint case, they may, in accordance with Article 32-1 of the Gender Equality in Employment Law, file a re-complaint with the local competent authority.

8.11.    本公司應自接獲性騷擾申訴之翌日起二個月內結案;必要時,得延長一個月,並通知當事人。
The company should conclude the investigation and make a decision on a sexual harassment complaint within two months from the day after receiving the complaint. If necessary, this period may be extended by one month, and the parties involved should be notified.

8.12.    性騷擾申訴處理委員會對已進入司法程序之性騷擾申訴,經申訴人同意後,得決議暫緩調查及決議,其期間不受第8.11節規定之限制。
In the case of a sexual harassment complaint that has entered into judicial proceedings, with the consent of the complainant, the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee may decide to temporarily suspend the investigation and decision-making process, and such suspension is not subject to the time limit specified in section 8.11.

9.性騷擾懲戒或其他處理 Disciplinary Measures or Other Actions for Sexual Harassment

9.1.    性騷擾行為經調查屬實者,本公司得視情節輕重,對性騷擾行為人依工作規則等相關規定為適當之懲戒或處理,並按勞動部規定之內容及方式,通知地方主管機關。
If a sexual harassment behavior is found to be substantiated through investigation, the company may impose appropriate disciplinary measures or actions against the individual involved in accordance with relevant regulations, such as the company's employment policies. The company will also notify the local supervisory authority in accordance with the content and procedures stipulated by the Ministry of Labor.

9.2.    本公司依性別平等工作法第二十七條第一項及第二項與性騷擾行為人連帶負損害賠償責任時,於本公司賠償被害人損害後,對於性騷擾行為人,有求償權。
When the company is jointly liable with the individual responsible for the sexual harassment incident for compensating the victim's damages under Article 27, Paragraphs 1 & 2 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act, the company retains the right to seek recourse against the individual after compensating the victim for their damages.

9.3.    本公司對性騷擾行為應採取追蹤、考核及監督,以確保懲戒或處理措施有效執行,並避免相同事件或報復情事發生。
The company shall implement tracking, assessment, and oversight measures regarding sexual harassment incidents to ensure the effective implementation of disciplinary measures or actions and to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents or acts of retaliation.

10.迴避及保密義務 Avoidance and Confidentiality Obligations

10.1.    參與性騷擾申訴案件之處理、調查、評議或決議人員,倘本身為當事人或當事人之配偶、前配偶、四親等內之血親、三親等內之姻親或與當事人有家長家屬關係,應自行迴避。
Individuals involved in the handling, investigation, evaluation, or resolution of sexual harassment complaints shall voluntarily recuse themselves if they are parties to the complaint, or if they are the spouse, former spouse, consanguinity within the fourth degree, in-law within the third degree, or have a parent or child relationship with the parties involved.

10.2.    參與性騷擾申訴案件之處理、調查、評議或決議人員,倘有第10.1節所定應迴避之情形而不自行迴避,或有其他具體事實足認其執行職務有偏頗之虞,當事人得以書面載明其原因及事實,向性騷擾申訴處理委員會申請命其迴避。
If individuals involved in the handling, investigation, evaluation, or resolution of sexual harassment complaints fall under the circumstances of recusal specified in section 10.1 but do not recuse themselves, or if there are other specific facts that indicate potential bias in the performance of their duties, the parties involved may submit a written request to the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee, stating the reasons and facts, to request their recusal.

10.3.    參與性騷擾申訴案件之處理、調查、評議或決議人員,對於知悉之申訴事件內容應予保密;違反者,性騷擾申訴處理委員會應終止其參與,本公司並得視其情節予以必要之處分。
Individuals involved in the handling, investigation, evaluation, or resolution of sexual harassment complaints shall maintain confidentiality regarding the details of the complaints they become aware of. Violation of this obligation will result in the termination of their involvement by the Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee, and the company may take necessary disciplinary action based on the severity of the breach.

11.不利益待遇之禁止 Prohibition of Retaliation

Supervisors at all levels within the company are prohibited from taking adverse actions, such as termination, reassignment, or any other detrimental treatment, against an employee for reporting or assisting others in reporting sexual harassment. If it is determined that such retaliation has occurred, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken based on the severity of the situation. The company is committed to actively preventing and addressing retaliation to encourage a safe reporting environment for all employees.

12.參考文件 Reference

12.1.    性別平等工作法 
Gender Equality in Employment Act

12.2.    工作場所性騷擾防治措施準則 
Amendments to the Regulations for Establishing Measures on Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

12.3.    性騷擾防治法 
Sexual Harassment Prevention Act

12.4.    台灣諾華違規、申訴及抱怨管理辦法
Managing Non-Compliance, Complaints and Grievance